RPA with Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain

Are you looking for ways to automate some of your routine accounting functions, like reconciling sub ledgers to the general ledger?   Microsoft has recently created some examples using Power Automate Desktop (think of it like Task Recording on steroids). It can not only automate steps through Dynamics 365, but it can also automate Excel and other applications. In one example from Microsoft they automate the AR to GL reconciliation: Automatic running of the AR aging and the customer/ledger reconciliation reports. Power Automate then extracts data from both reports in Excel and compares the balances. Power Automate then posts a Team message letting you know the subledger is in balance. Power Automate saves the reports with the date in the file name, so there is backup. Microsoft Directions & Example   I working with the example, I needed to make a couple of adjustments to the sample flow that was provided but I was able to get it to work. Here is a video of the flow r...


A common problem many users face it the fact that there are multiple date fields in their tables, and when they want to use a date dimension, Power BI only allows for on active relationship between the two tables.

For example, I have a dimension table from my leasing software that included information on each lease including the commencement date of the lease and the expiration date of the lease.  In Power BI when I use a separate date dimension (which I always recommend for many different reasons), I can only link the dimension table to date table with one active relationship.   See screen shot below.

Since most of my visualizations will be based on the Commencement Date, I will make that the active relationship.  However, I would like to create a visualization showing my leases by expiration date.  In order to do this, I have a couple options.

1.       I could create a second date dimension table in my model.  This is fairly simple.  I would just copy the first dimension and give it a new name (Expiration Date).  I would relate the Lease Details table to the Expiration Date table using the expiration date.  The drawback to this is if you are using date slicers on the report, you would need two different date slicers since they are different tables.  This can also quickly get out of control if there are numerous dates.

2.       I could use the DAX function USERELATIONSHIP.


The function returns no value; the function only enables the indicated relationship for the duration of the calculation.

By using this function I can create a new measure to count my leases based on their expiration date.

Expiring Leases = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT('Lease Details'[Lease]),USERELATIONSHIP('Lease Details'[ExpirationDate],'Date'[Date]))

Once this measure is in place, I can create my two different visualization using the same date dimension.


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